TGVelo Team

The TGVelo project takes place in Ghent, Belgium, at the technology campus of KU Leuven. The project is executed by the team listed below.

  • Project managers: Prof. Emilia Motoasca, Prof. Jan Cappelle.
  • Two full time researchers Jeroen De Maeyer and Dries Callebaut and one part-time researcher Ruben Cherlet.
  • Close cooperation with PhD student Bram Rotthier.
  • Several student working on their master's thesis.

Contact information
phone: + 32 9 267 27 19
KU Leuven Technologiecampus Gent
Gebroeders desmetstraat 1
9000 Gent

TGVelo project

The TGVelo project is conducted by 25 Flemish partners and funded by the Flemish Institute for Science and Technology (IWT). During 2 years, 2 FET have been researching the quality of electric bicycles for intensive use at the University of Leuven, Technology Campus Ghent. The finality of this project is a set of standards for the assessment of the quality of light vehicles. The system is developed for electric bicycles, but it might be used for any human-, electric- or hybrid powered two-, three- or four wheeled vehicle lighter than 50kg empty curb weight. The standards are useful for designers, producers, sellers and customers. It eases the selling process and simplifies settlement of warranty claims.

TGVelo Label

The TGVelo quality system gives an extensive overview of the quality of a light vehicle intended for daily or intensive use. It might be summarized in a label that can be displayed in a store and attached to the vehicle. The form and languages of this label will be standardised.