Usability scores

Protection against theft

The extent to which the cycle is protected against theft. TGVelo gives a high score to the combination of different security devices:

  • Presence of a lock that prevents usage of the cycle
  • Presence of a lock that fixes the bike to an external object
  • Presence of a non-removable identification
  • Presence of an always powered tracking mechanism
  • Parts can not be loosened by standard equipment

locks are tested according EN 15496

Accessibility of the instruments

How easy can the light and assistance level be switched, can the gears be changed under load or at rest, is gear shifting straightforward and is braking easy with small hands?

Controllability of the motor

A low score is given when the motor starts unintentional, too late or aggressive. A high score is given when it is possible to engage high motor power with small human power and vice versa, and when a cruise-, range- or effort control is available.

Practicality of the battery

The battery will have a high score when the battery is easy removable and easily secured, when a loader is on board and when the system is foolproof.

Loading of luggage

Typically, a four wheeled vehicle will score better than a three wheeled. A symmetric, broad stand close to the load will score better than an asymmetric, small stand far from the load. A load fixed on the frame will score better than load that moves with the steer. The score calculation is based on defined measurements.


Shimmy is a kind of natural frequency that a vehicle can show in certain circumstances. A bicycle that shows shimmy at low speed scores worse than a bicycle that shows shimmy at high speed. The shimmy score is determined by driving the cycle without hands at different speeds and by giving an excitation at the steer. The driver is standardised.

Starting and stopping

The starting and stopping score reflects how smooth the driver can handle his cycle while preparing it and taking off for a ride, and docking and securing after a ride. The score is calculated using the needed number of actions.

Walking with cycle at the hand

This score shows how easily the cycle is rolled at the side of a pedestrian. The weight of the cycle and the positions of the centres of gravity plays a role in the scoring mechanism.

Shock dampening

This figure shows how well the cycle absorbs shocks coming from the road. It is measured on the seat post or the R-point. A cycle with small racing tyres will typically have a lower figure than a cycle with balloon tyres will have a lower figure than a vehicle with active spring suspension.

Noise generation

The score takes into account the loudness of the motor and the rigidity of the complete cycle and its components. A vehicle where the components can rattle will have a low score.

Protection against splash water

Vehicles are often used on roads where flakes of water occur. The score indicates how well the driver is protected against dirt and water coming from the roads. A bicycle without fenders will generally have a very low score, a velomobile might score very well.

Protection against dirt

The figures indicates how well the clothes of driver is protected against the dirt and the mechanical action of chain and wheels when using the vehicle or when carrying it. It reflects the efficiency of protections like chain guards and jacket covers and it shows how well the position of chain and wheels is chosen.

Protection against climate

This score indicates how well the driver is protected against the elements. It is probably little distinguishing for modern bicycles. However, rain and cold is one of the main reasons why people don't use cycles. Ponchos, wind screens and covers can rise the score for this parameter.