The name of the entity who is final responsible for the warranty of the vehicle as a whole.
The name of the model. This reflects the unique description of frame and every component of the vehicle as it can be found in the construction dossier. This implies that the existence of a construction dossier is compulsory if the TGVelo label is used. This can be the same dossier that goes with the CE label.
In Belgium and many other European countries, these electric cycle types are possible
The definitions of these vehicles can be found in the European Regulation No 168/2013 and local legislation.
Design speed is the speed reached by the electric cycle when pedalling in standard conditions, with a human input of 100 W and the maximum assistance of the motor. It might be expressed for the maximum assistance mode, some modes or all. Design speed allows comparison between for example a heavy bicycle with a powerful motor and a light one with a smaller motor. When the motor is strong enough, the design speed will be equal to the cut-off speed. The parameter is an alternative for technical parameters such as motor torque or power.
The typical resistance is defined as the resistance that the vehicle has to overcome at 25 km/h, in standardised conditions. It is not important if the needed power comes from the battery, the human or from another source. The typical resistance is in close harmony with the design speed and might be disregarded, but it helps when assessing the probability that one can have a certain range in certain circumstances with the vehicle.
The net available energy at the wheels is an alternative for estimation of vehicle range and battery capacity. Vehicle range strongly depends on environmental conditions, for example winds speed or slope. Battery capacity doesn't take into account the general efficiency of the vehicle, while the new defined parameter is more objective in estimating the vehicle performance.
The length of the smallest and the biggest people that are likely to fit on the cycle. Definition provided by TGVelo
The posture that the rider likely will hold when riding the vehicle. Definition provided by TGVelo
Cut-off speed of the motor, as defined by EN15194.
The traction grade is the theoretical slope in % on which the bicycle with full load can mount at a constant speed of 10 kph only with the power of the motor.
This is the lowest speed where one can pedal at 50 rpm and the highest speed where one can pedal at 70 rpm. It is an alternative expression of the more technical gear ratio
, gear inches
or meter development
Time needed to fully charge the battery.