

Google Summer of Code @ MoveIt


My most challenging C++ project thus far. I jumped in at the deep end, digging into the source code of MoveIt's interface for the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL). The goal was to integrate some advanced constrained planning capabilities from OMPL into MoveIt. I learned about large complex interfaces, debugging complex data flows, and tracking down segfaults using Valgrind. A big thank you to my mentors Mark, Felix, Omid, and the MoveIt community in general.

MoveIt kinematics plugin


After working with the analytical inverse kinematics library opw kinematics. I decided to try writing a MoveIt kinematics plugin for it. The plugin has evolved a bit and I was lucky enough to get some help from @simonschmeisser.

3D Python Robotics


As an extension of Planar Python Robotics below, I started implementing simple motion planning algorithms in 3D. The lines of code quickly got out of hand, so I also organized this code in a Python package. Common utilities are factored out in a separate packages called acrolib.

Planar Python Robotics


To learn about the details of robot motion planning, I started with as simple 2D implementation of some typical funcionality needed by motion planning algorithms. This lead to a Python package called ppr, available on Pypi. For more info, see the documentation page.

Real world

Air Cargo Challenge, EUROAVIA, (2011 & 2013)

An international competition to design, build and fly a model plane carrying as much payload as possible. Look for the boring team name, Team KU Leuven, in the results.